International Presentations

Featured Speaker at American Educational Research Association, ‘Curriculum as Cultural Invention’, New York, 1996.

Keynote Address at the Restructuring Initial Teacher Education Symposium, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Ireland, ‘Initial Teacher Education as a Practical Matter: Some Issues & Concerns’, March, 1996.

Featured Speaker at the Education Knowledge and School Curricula Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ‘The Context of Cultural Inventions: Learning and Curriculum’, December, 1995.

Keynote Speaker at the 7th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association on Teacher Thinking, Brock University, St. Catharines, ‘Representing Teachers: Some Thoughts on Forms of Representation’, July - August, 1995.

Featured Speaker at American Educational Research Association, ‘Storying the Self’, San Francisco, 1995.

Featured Speaker at American Educational Research Association, ‘Scrutinizing Stories’, New Orleans, 1994.

Featured Speaker at American Educational Research Association, ‘Preparing for Postmodernity: Storying the Self’, New Orleans, 1994.

Featured Speaker at American Educational Research Association, ‘Reinventing the Square Wheel: Curriculum as Mechanical Obedience’, New Orleans, 1994.

Featured Speaker at Norwegian National Curriculum Forum ‘New Perspectives for Curriculum Inquiry’, Norway, February 1994.

Invited Speaker at the Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, presented three papers: ‘Studying Curriculum: A Social Constructionist Perspective’, ‘Studying Curriculum: Problems and Possibilities’, ‘Studying Curriculum: A New Approach’, February 1994.

Keynote address, Conference on Life Histories and Curriculum, University of Sports, Oslo, March 1994.

Invited Speaker at Curriculum Texts Conference, University of Granada, Spain. ‘School Subjects and the Making of Curriculum: Text and Context’, March, 1994.

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